1805-1809, Barking Exercise, Correspondence, Falling Exercise, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Western Reserve Historical Society
“Soon after they began to sing several were taken with the Jerks, while sitting on their seats. Their heads, & shoulders were Jerked back & forth, with such increasing violence, that in a few seconds their hats, & bonnets, & even hankerchiefs which were tied close to their heads would fly off. Some would soon be Jerked flat on the floor, in a manner very mortifying to all delicate feelings….”
1805-1809, Correspondence, Presbyterians, Virginia Historical Society
“The Jerks are making their apperance again and will spread generally with the lower class of people….”
1805-1809, Books, Essays & Treatises, Dancing Exercise, Laughing Exercise, Other/Unknown, Uncategorized
“I suppose there are but few individuals in the United States, who have not at least heard of the unparalleled blaze of enthusiastic religion which burst forth in the western country about the year 1800…. It was under these circumstances that some found themselves unable by voluntary efforts to suppress the contraction of their muscles….”
1805-1809, Diaries & Journals, Handley Regional Library
“During the sermon I saw a young girl doing the strange movement that the English call the jerks…..”
1805-1809, Dancing Exercise, Falling Exercise, Magazines & Newspapers, Methodists, Running Exercise
“When any ask me to explain all these antics or exercises, I say I do not explain what I do not understand. Many who had these exercises did not understand them—would not account for them. I am not called to analyze or methodize the jerks: have no tools for that work….”