1802-1804, American Antiquarian Society, Autobiographies & Biographies, Methodists, Tennessee
“I made a pause, then exclaimed, at the top of my voice, ‘Do you leave off jerking, if you can.’ It was thought more than five hundred commenced jumping, shouting, and jerking. There was no more preaching that day….”
Dancing Exercise, Falling Exercise, Laughing Exercise, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Uncategorized, University of Michigan
“[The Jerks consist] in a sudden inclination, or reclining, of the shoulders, and is so quick, that the head appears to move too slow for the shoulders…. This is common to both sexes, but with this difference, that men seldom have more than one jerk…; whereas, a woman will frequently continue a repetition of that motion…for ten or fifteen minutes, reclining backwards as far as her feet, or some other obstacle will permit her, and bending so far forwards, as almost to touch the floor with her head….”
1805-1809, Barking Exercise, Benjamin Seth Youngs, Correspondence, Falling Exercise, Issachar Bates, John Meacham, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Pennsylvania, Richard McNemar, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Western Reserve Historical Society
“Soon after they began to sing several were taken with the Jerks, while sitting on their seats. Their heads, & shoulders were Jerked back & forth, with such increasing violence, that in a few seconds their hats, & bonnets, & even hankerchiefs which were tied close to their heads would fly off. Some would soon be Jerked flat on the floor, in a manner very mortifying to all delicate feelings….”
1805-1809, Barking Exercise, Benjamin Seth Youngs, Dancing Exercise, Diaries & Journals, Dreams, Trances & Visions, Falling Exercise, Issachar Bates, John Meacham, Kentucky, Ohio, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Richard McNemar, Running Exercise, Uncategorized, Winterthur Library
“Charity M. came about 10 A.M. with the Jerks & in trouble & opened her mind to B. She said She received the Jerks to be a compelling power from God….”
1805-1809, Dancing Exercise, Falling Exercise, Magazines & Newspapers, Methodists, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Running Exercise, Virginia, West Virginia
“When any ask me to explain all these antics or exercises, I say I do not explain what I do not understand. Many who had these exercises did not understand them—would not account for them. I am not called to analyze or methodize the jerks: have no tools for that work….”