1805-1809, Books, Essays & Treatises, Presbyterians
“Am I an opposer of a revival of religion, when I say the jirks, dancing &c. are not God’s instituted means of Grace, nor Scriptural evidences of true religion? and that when they are voluntary, they are a corruption of God’s worship?”
1805-1809, Christians/Disciples of Christ, Dancing Exercise, Diaries & Journals, Laughing Exercise, Union Presbyterian Seminary
“In my serious reflections and enquiries after the salvation of my soul, the various noise and exercise of the people would oftentimes stagger me. I was sometimes rather doubtful, and almost led to believe that it was all enthusiasm and strong delusion….”
1805-1809, Dancing Exercise, Falling Exercise, Magazines & Newspapers, Methodists, Running Exercise
“When any ask me to explain all these antics or exercises, I say I do not explain what I do not understand. Many who had these exercises did not understand them—would not account for them. I am not called to analyze or methodize the jerks: have no tools for that work….”
1805-1809, Anonymous/Unknown, Church Records, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Presbyterians
“In the southern parts of our bounds, the extraordinary revivals of religion have considerably declined; bodily agitations are gradually disappearing….”