1810-1815, Autobiographies & Biographies, Dancing Exercise, Tennessee Historical Society
“The peopel had the Jirks Shouting and d[a]ncing and…those that atempted to desribe there fealing while ingaged in the above exersize sayed the[y] had the most hevenly fealing that [they] ever felt in the there life….”
1816-1860, Correspondence, Filson Historical Society, Methodists, Peter L. Maxey
“He is a thorough Methodist believes in all of the religious exercises after the straightest of the sect…. I shall not fall out with him for advocating the genuine Jerks….”
1816-1860, Anonymous/Unknown, Magazines & Newspapers, Other/Unknown
“Our informant was present at several of their meetings in Avoca, and describes the scene as very exciting. From fifty to a hundred were jerking at the same time….”
1816-1860, American Antiquarian Society, Anonymous/Unknown, Magazines & Newspapers, Other/Unknown
“The scene in the church was often supremely ludicrous. Just imagine forty or fifty persons going through all the different postures, twistings, bendings, strikings, kickings, and other violent motions…, and you will have a faint idea of the scene exhibited here night after night….”
1816-1860, Barking Exercise, Methodists, State Historical Society of Missouri
“One woman took what used to be called in Tennessee the barking exercise. This was something I never witnessed before, and something that I am not prepared to account for on any principal.”