Excerpts from Lorenzo Dow’s History of Cosmopolite (October 1–19, 1804)
Camp-meeting commenced at Liberty: here I saw the jerks; and some danced: a strange exercise indeed….
Camp-meeting commenced at Liberty: here I saw the jerks; and some danced: a strange exercise indeed….
“[M]et with…Lorenzo Dow at a meeting at Liberty Hill on Nashville. There I saw much of the dancing and jerking exercises among those of the best standing in society. This was and still is in many respects an unaccountable exercise to me….”
“It is asserted in some prints, that these assemblies have originated a disorder called the Jerks….”
“[W]e have reason to fear, from what has appeared, that the jirks will check the work in a considerable degree; for many are so fearful, that they will not go to meeting, lest they should catch them….”
“I always looked upon the jerks as a judgment sent from God, first, to bring sinners to repentance; and, secondly, to show professors that God could work with or without means…, and do whatsoever seemeth him good.”