1805-1809, Dancing Exercise, Diaries & Journals, Presbyterians, Union Presbyterian Seminary
“The jerks were by far the most violent and shocking I had ever seen. The heads of the jerking patients flew, with wonderous quickness, from side to side, in various directions, and their necks doubled like a flail in the hands of a thresher….”
1805-1809, Books, Essays & Treatises, Presbyterians
“Am I an opposer of a revival of religion, when I say the jirks, dancing &c. are not God’s instituted means of Grace, nor Scriptural evidences of true religion? and that when they are voluntary, they are a corruption of God’s worship?”
1805-1809, Diaries & Journals, Shaker Museum/Mt. Lebanon
“Daniel Potters wife an unbeliever & had a for a long time been a bitter opposer in time of labouring, broke fourth by the power of God, Jerking & dancing with her hair all over her face….”
1805-1809, Christians/Disciples of Christ, Dancing Exercise, Diaries & Journals, Laughing Exercise, Union Presbyterian Seminary
“In my serious reflections and enquiries after the salvation of my soul, the various noise and exercise of the people would oftentimes stagger me. I was sometimes rather doubtful, and almost led to believe that it was all enthusiasm and strong delusion….”
1805-1809, Diaries & Journals, Handley Regional Library
“During the sermon I saw a young girl doing the strange movement that the English call the jerks…..”