1802-1804, Anonymous/Unknown, Church Records, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Presbyterians
“While many within the bounds of those [southern and western] Presbyteries have been, as is hoped, effectually called…, there have been multitudes of instances in which great bodily agitations, and other circumstances out of the usual course of religious exercise, have attended the work….”
1802-1804, American Antiquarian Society, Correspondence, Dancing Exercise, Falling Exercise, Laughing Exercise, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Presbyterians
“The bodily exercise has assumed such a variety of shapes as to render it a truly herculian task to give an intelligent statement of it to any person who has never seen it. However, I do not hesitate to say, that it is evidently the Lord’s work, though marvellous in our eyes….”
1805-1809, Anonymous/Unknown, Church Records, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Presbyterians
“There appears…reason to believe that in certain places, some instances of these bodily affections have been of such a nature, and proceeded to such lengths as greatly tended to impede the progress and to tarnish the glory of what, in its first stages, was so highly promising….”
1805-1809, Anonymous/Unknown, Church Records, Other Bodily Exercises & General References, Presbyterians
“In the southern parts of our bounds, the extraordinary revivals of religion have considerably declined; bodily agitations are gradually disappearing….”