Excerpts from the Journal of Benjamin Seth Youngs (May 30, 1805–January 14, 1806)

Excerpts from the Journal of Benjamin Seth Youngs (May 30, 1805–January 14, 1806)

“Charity M. came about 10 A.M. with the Jerks & in trouble & opened her mind to B. She said She received the Jerks to be a compelling power from God….”

Felix Roberton’s Essay on Chorea Sancti Viti (June 5, 1805)

“I suppose there are but few individuals in the United States, who have not at least heard of the unparalleled blaze of enthusiastic religion which burst forth in the western country about the year 1800…. It was under these circumstances that some found themselves unable by voluntary efforts to suppress the contraction of their muscles….”

Newspaper Article from the Charleston Courier (October 14, 1805)

Newspaper Article from the Charleston Courier (October 14, 1805)

“The jerking convert…is seized with violent fits of jerking, which generally brings him to the ground, where he lies as if labouring under a slight convulsive fit; and when the spasm seems to abate, the person immediately begins shouting and praising God for effecting his conversion….”