Newspaper Article from the Hudson, New York, Bee (November 6, 1804)
“It is asserted in some prints, that these assemblies have originated a disorder called the Jerks….”
“It is asserted in some prints, that these assemblies have originated a disorder called the Jerks….”
“I always looked upon the jerks as a judgment sent from God, first, to bring sinners to repentance; and, secondly, to show professors that God could work with or without means…, and do whatsoever seemeth him good.”
“A venerable clergyman now living…was affected by the jerks a few times…. Suddenly he began leaping about, first forward, then sideways, and sometimes, standing still, would swing backward and forward ‘see-saw fashion.’ This motion of his body was both involuntary and irresistible at the commencement….”
“It was evident to every spectator, that this, and it may be said, in general, with respect to all the bodily exercises, that they were involuntary; for it seemed impossible that the body could be so agitated by any dictate of the will….”
“The Religious excitement still continued followed with what was called the Jirks, (strong Spasmodic excitement) dancing & falling down Sermons at New Providence & the churches generally….”
“I am awair that those that have never saw these things [the jerks] will be ready to say it is utterly imposable and cannot be true. But who has not seen persons in fits…preform faits [feats] intirely beyand the power of man while in the exercises of reason?”