1805-1809, American Antiquarian Society, Books, Essays & Treatises, Other/Unknown, Thomas Brown
“People of every age, sex, sect, and condition appeared to be more or less affected with the disagreeable operations of these exercises, not only at their meetings, but in their daily employments….”
1805-1809, Dancing Exercise, Diaries & Journals, Western Kentucky University
“In the evening most of the believers met [for] the first time publicly in this place…. A. Dunlavy who had never before been exercised, was taken with shaking & Jerking from that to dancing, which continued for 4 hours with scarce any intermission.”
1805-1809, Diaries & Journals, Western Reserve Historical Society
“Had meeting at Robert Houstens. A Blessed assembly of people, white, Yellow, & black…. [I]n singing our Songs, the power of God came upon them, some fell with jurks, Some leaping, some dancing. The whole multitude were in motion….”