Personal Contributions at Cavi Consulting

Being well into my internship at this point, I think it is a fitting time to talk about some of my personal contributions to my internship thus far. I have definitely ramped up the work that I have been doing for Cavi over the last couple of weeks. My initial tasks and projects were more related to basic research while I found my footing with a lot of the context with the work that Cavi is doing. Due to the pandemic, Cavi lost a lot of their in person client consulting jobs, so they have changed course and have become more creative with making different revenue streams and developing longer term projects. One project specifically that the team at Cavi is working on is the development of a process mapping software tool that allows users to easily map their processes. This tool may sound useless to some, but the ease of use of this potential tool can save process scientists, consultants, and general problem solvers a ton of time mapping their processes out. As a part of this process, I have been developing a pitch deck for the tool in order to pitch to potential investors and raise money. This process has been very challenging and rewarding because I have been forced to learn a lot about the tool itself, and figure out how to sell the story of it to a potential investor. This project was primarily centered around customer interviews in the early stages of the project. This meant I was on zoom with people who we identified as potential users of the tool, and I would interview them to talk about how, why, and how much they would pay for the tool we were developing. This was a really interesting part of the internship because I got to meet a lot of interesting people and hear their stories, as well as being able to share the Cavi story with them. Having this type of autonomy in a large scale project, working with just one other intern, was very rewarding and I definitely learned a lot about pitch deck making and funding a startup among lots of other things.