Personal Contributions – Research/Pitch

During my time at Allied Global Marketing, I have worked on multiple projects for the field marketing team. Many of these projects have been research based and required me to learn a lot about the entertainment industry and how it functions in New York City. Since the field marketing team functions on a smaller budget, I have had to find innovative and cheap ways to spread the word about upcoming events. Often this requires finding potential partners who’s mission aligns with our campaign such that they would be willing to promote the project for free. Specifically, I worked on a project to promote Netflix’s new series, The Baby-Sitter’s Club. For this project, I had to research groups and organizations in New York that help people in the target demographic for the film. The target demographic is children 6-8 and tween/teenagers 8-14 and their parents. With this information, I researched organizations that benefit teen girls in the New York area, such as Girls Inc. I also researched tween/teen influencers in the area who could promote the series on their social media platforms. All of this research required specific attention to detail to ensure the organizations and influencers would target the right audience for the series. After completing this research, I crafted multiple email pitches to request a collaboration between Allied and the organizations and influencers. I wrote each pitch specifically for the organization and the influencer to ensure the pitch would be compelling. My research efforts helped both Allied and Netflix reach their target audience and promote the series. 


Throughout these research projects I have used my understanding of social media and perspective as a member of Generation Z to determine which influencers have ideal platforms for the company to work with. As a member of a younger generation, I have an advanced understanding of multiple social media platforms and I am able to use this to determine which  influencer’s platforms are effective and which appear successful but may not be the best choice for the company. This also involves keeping up with the media constantly to know which influencers are receiving backlash and which influencers to avoid in order to keep Allied in good standing. While this may seem trivial, influencers are constantly receiving bad press which could negatively affect the company if Allied decided to unknowingly partner with them. Overall, I am able to provide the company with valuable insight about influencers in order to prevent the company from making mistakes when choosing potential partners.