Max Loves LMX

At AlphaSights, LMX Theory is seen in so many ways it really makes me believe in its effectiveness. The whole company was founded on a vision that the treatment of employees who have strong minds would lead to high growth and success. Max, the CEO of AlphaSights, brought this to almost every aspect of the office and started early by hiring on talent that he thought would be the best suited people to attract employees who could grow the company not only in numbers, but also in popularity, and revenue.

LMX theory emphasizes that strong leaders create relationships with their followers and foster an exchange with them to create strong leadership. Max has a casual yet professional relationship with the majority of employees. From the start of my internship, I have noticed everyone around the office talking positively of Max and encouraging all of us interns to message him to grab coffee and chat. Employees will leave their desks to watch him give talks to visiting groups or for example, during the trainings of the new joiners last week. He makes an effort to be at as many of the office social functions as possible and to spend time with all employees, not just the senior VPs. The same can be said across the leadership chain at AlphaSights. The regional VPs are extremely approachable and make sure to make connections with their entire segment. The Senior VP of our consulting segment interviewed me and so many other interns which is just a testament to how involved the senior leadership team is in recruiting and hiring on people that they feel would be a good company fit. There was a summer party hosted by the office as well and the Senior VPs made it a point to spend time talking to interns and associates alike.

LMX theory is very much at play here because the social connections that the leaders in the office make with us drive us to be more hardworking and ultimately increase our workplace happiness. Having positive connections with the leaders in the office make it a place that we feel safe to grow as opposed to scared to mess up. The weekly meetings all interns have with their trainer, oftentimes, also includes the manager because AlphaSights is committed to giving feedback, creating and strengthening relationships, and providing professional development.

Overall, the LMX in the office is very conducive to the high growth nature of the company. Max knows that the business model makes it that people are always leaving and coming to AlphaSights. The Leader-Member Exchange within the office creates an environment where people have positive things to say about the leaders and therefore the company itself. This ultimately brings AlphaSights more employees, more revenue, and more credibility.