Solving Problems/Improving Leadership

Week 6-Balancing New Territory and Expectations.

Throughout the internship, the five of us interns have spent a lot of time talking amongst ourselves, mainly because we work in the same space, about the internship and whether we see ourselves heading into the field. I am the only one that see myself going into the field, and some of the other interns feel like they are not learning anything and are not getting anything from the internship. Because it is such a niche field, I understand how one could feel this way since we are doing a lot of daily tasks. But this made me think of what to do in the situation of feeling unfulfilled fro from job or internship, and when and why to take a step back. 

I believe greatly in sticking by one’s commitment and sense of following through on a promise or task, and in this case an internship. But I also know, and have learned even more so this summer, the importance of advocating for oneself. In a small office without different departments or a lot of tasks it could be hard to talk about adjusting the roles in which we as interns are given, since the junior staff members do the same exact tasks that we do. I think that learning from the other unsatisfied interns I have learned the importance to be explicit in asking questions about the details of what the job entails in the interview, especially because my future interviews will be fore more long-term jobs. Just as much as we interns are working for this company, they are also providing us with opportunities that will shape our career. Thus, creating open communication about the details of the job is vital. Especially when going into a narrow field, it is important to maintain the balance of having an open mind while knowing what you want to prioritize in the workspace.