
Idiosyncrasy Credit in Cable

As I have embarked on my adventure at Charter Communications, I have noticed that employees within this industry all seem to be very similar in their backgrounds, their interests, and in their mannerisms. They all dress professionally, and act even more so when they are in the office. There are very few to absolutely no conversations exchanged throughout the course of the business day that don’t revolve around cable bundles, issues with their products, or new information that needs to be communicated to the customer.  I have found quickly that people conform to this way of speaking and acting, in a very business professional type while only being here for a few weeks.

Kathleen Griffin is my boss’s boss’s boss, and she has throughout her time at charter become the very epitome of what a women in this industry should act as. When others want to conform to this environment, they would attempt to emulate who she is as a person and how she handles herself in her work place.  She speaks in a professional manner, is kind to those below her, and works tirelessly to ensure that the company is doing the best it can in her department which is Marketing Communications. People respect her decisions no matter what it is and when she begins to talk in a meeting, everyone else stops. And while, yes this may be due to her title as Vice President, it also has to do with her idiosyncrasy credit with her colleagues and how because of this credit, people listen to and trust her opinions and ideas.

Idiosyncrasy credit is built through two different things. The first of these is competence, something Kathleen does not lack.  Kathleen has proven herself to be competent of the cable industry and well versed in potential situations that could arise time and time again. In meetings when new issues are brought to her attention, she is quick to respond and always has ideas that are almost always implemented, working out well for the company. Kathleen has also worked in Cable her entire professional career, even interning at a cable company when she was college, increasing others trust in her and her intelligence, specifically on issues in this industry. People trust her experience and expertise when problems arise.  The second thing is conformity, and in Kathleen’s case, she is the person that other conform to, and she is just like every other person in the office. People listen to her and will do what she says because she is someone who is like them, and they feel as though they can connect and understand her. Because of her competence and conformity others listen to her ideas, and will work with her and trust her while implementing these ideas.