Category Archives: Westhampton Lake

A Secret Stream

For some reason, I have always thought of the lake as a static fixture on our campus, and even though I have seen it trickle down the dam underneath the commons, it never really occurred to me that it must … Continue reading

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A Lake with a Name

After being left to explore, I couldn’t help but notice many things that characterized this “place,” Westhampton Lake.  I looked at the water itself, in the shallow portion of the stream after the waterfall near the road.  It was not … Continue reading

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Lessons of Moving Water

Do you hear it? The sound of water cascading over itself, falling and splashing without stopping? On a class walk around campus we stopped at one of the rivers that feed the lake on campus. The river at one point … Continue reading

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Last Wednesday we went to a spot on campus where I had never been. It was the quiet little river that feeds they lake, a river that I have always known of but had never taken the time to go … Continue reading

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After taking a stroll around campus and exploring the University of Richmond’s watershed with the class, we were released into the wild (behind the baseball fields) to venture in accordance with our impulses and desires. The majority of us took … Continue reading

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A Poem – Transparency

I want to settle inside Next to the lungs of life, Breathe deep with every pulse Of its heart, steady   I want my layers shed, The worn and crusted to be Scraped, Letting me breathe, easy   I want … Continue reading

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Westhampton Ecosystem

As everyone went their own separate ways to explore the stream that leads into Westhampton Lake, I stayed behind and just watched the little waterfall and how the water was flowing.  Having just rained for days, the water was high … Continue reading

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A misunderstood lake

Water is such a simple, complex and omnipresent element of the earth’s existence. The world’s oceans cover almost 70% of the earth’s surface and rivers play an integral role in their health by dumping fresh water into these salty reserves. … Continue reading

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A Look at Runoff

In our first class we mentioned how everyone perceives the orientation of our campus differently.  Throughout the week I’ve been trying to figure out how I personally view the campus and the one thing I’ve realized is that to me … Continue reading

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Welcomeness, etc

Walking along the creek toward Westhampton Lake, I took no notes and instead tried to interact with my surroundings as if without external purpose. I had seen the other creek and further up this one, but had never been along … Continue reading

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