Category Archives: Synthesis

Time to reflect back on previous entries from the semester.

The end at, the end

“The only constant is change.” Whoever’s wise words can claim this statement hit on a goldmine. I am struck over and over again how everything is constantly changing around me, and that it is the only consistency between these varieties … Continue reading

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For our Earth Lodge initiation, I was required to find quotes that represent my Earth Lodge experience and include it in a notebook. There were many things I wanted my quotes to include: The interesting things about the environment I’ve … Continue reading

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A Change of Place

Anyone who’s grown up near a body of water can attest to the gradual and unalterable dependency that develops between a sea, bay, lake, or river and its denizens.  Everyone has their own explanations as to why this is, but … Continue reading

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All Things Change, Nothing is Extinguished

In our final book club meeting we needed to find a quote that encompassed the entirety of the course and our experiences. To my delight, I found this little but profound quote by Ovid, one of my favorite Roman poets: … Continue reading

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Stepwise Learning

Over this past semester I tried to focus on scale, connectivity, and boundaries as they applied to my life here inside the Richmond bubble. These three ideas are fundamental components of physical geography, and furthermore, you can’t look at one … Continue reading

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Gaining Appreciation through Understanding

“Wonder increases with decreasing speed. The less you move, the more you are moved.” These quotes by David Haskell capture the essence of what I have learned in the second half of this semester in Geography of the James River … Continue reading

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To Love Human Ingenuity and Playfulness

In almost all of my blog posts, I have commented on some human failing or on something untouched that is beautiful. I wrote about place-blindness, noting that so many of our species either don’t care or are simply unaware of … Continue reading

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Change Doesn’t Have to be Painful

I believe that one of the most important and humanizing endeavors is to look at oneself in the mirror, recognize your faults, and do something to change. Looking back through my last synthesis blog this is exactly what I did, … Continue reading

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Inchy. My sophomore year, in other words.

I have neglected my reflection spot. I should say spots because technically I have two; one specifically for this class, and one that I have gravitated toward naturally since the beginning of sophomore year. But I feel the reflection spot … Continue reading

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People to Go, Places to See

Coulson and Tchakerian define the domain of place as, “a hierarchy that includes integration in place, interdependencies between places, and interdependencies among places” (85). The second half of the Geography of the James River Watershed course has truly helped me … Continue reading

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