Category Archives: Synthesis

Time to reflect back on previous entries from the semester.

Synthesis 1

Thinking back on a little more than a month spent in Geography of the James, I came to realize the extent to which I failed to regard the body of water that is at the center of our campus with … Continue reading

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Synthesis 1

When I began Earth Lodge, I didn’t expect to love the class as much as I do. I was super excited about the camping, hiking, outdoors aspect of this Living Learning community, so that somewhat overshadowed the whole academic side.  … Continue reading

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Synthesis Post 1: Seeing Anew

This semester has truly been a whirlwind of discovery and shifting perspectives. It began with the unearthing of Little Westham Creek, then continued to delve deeper beneath the surface. I was introduced to watersheds and buffers, and even had the … Continue reading

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Synthesis Post: Identifying and Creating Place

There was a day this summer when the first half of the new Hugenot Bridge was completed and the last car passed over the old Hugenot Bridge. However, that car was not the last thing to pass over the bridge … Continue reading

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“A person with a clear heart and open mind can experience the wilderness anywhere on earth. It is a quality of one’s own consciousness. The planet is a wild place and always will be.” Of all our readings in class … Continue reading

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First Synthesis Post

Where to start? Looking back on this semester in our Geography of the James class, I can honestly say that I have never taken a course quite like this here at the University of Richmond, or even throughout middle and … Continue reading

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This year I have been thinking a lot about the environment and the responsibilities we all have to protect and preserve it. Last year I was swept off my feet by a charismatic Green Peace representative, and for the first … Continue reading

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Piecing it all together

Looking back at my observation logs, I noticed that water is a theme that winds its way through all of my posts in one way or another. Given the name of this course, I am not surprised by the fact … Continue reading

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Synthesis 1

During our hike at Henricus Park this past weekend, what struck me the most was that humans had found a way to directly alter the flow of a major waterway like the James River, to literally bend such a significant … Continue reading

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Rediscovering Richmond

At the beginning of the semester, I viewed campus as simply a network of paths and buildings and my only thoughts were about how to get from place to place.  My thoughts about our campus did not go much beyond … Continue reading

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