Category Archives: Synthesis

Time to reflect back on previous entries from the semester.

The relationship between rivers, people and cities

Since childhood, I have consistently swam, fished, wakeboarded and explored a variety of rivers, lakes and ocean. My experience in and around watershed has been extensive. However, I until recently, I failed to acknowledge the importance of these watersheds outside … Continue reading

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Synthesis 2

As my time in Earth Lodge comes to an end, I think back on not only everything I’ve done and learned about but also how I have changed as well.  I feel as though an appreciation for human beings’ relationship … Continue reading

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Final Reflections

This Saturday my friend visited from DC. As she is a passionate environmentalist and outdoorswoman, I was pleased the weather was cooperating in my plan to show off my city. Maybe it was the debate from class, but I felt … Continue reading

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Final Synthesis

A year ago I could have boldly made a claim that I know the University of Richmond Campus like the back of my hand. Late night walks, explorations, and classes all over the place have given me a very good … Continue reading

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Part of a Whole

Wildness reminds us what it means to be human, what we are connected to rather than what we are separate from.” – Terry Williams From the first day we spent together in the classroom, one of the main themes we … Continue reading

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New Surroundings Bring New Realizations

Stepping back onto campus after just one weekend away was like stepping onto a whole new world. This past Friday, before leaving for the Quidditch World Cup in Kissimmee Florida, campus had looked much the same as it had over … Continue reading

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Looking Back at Environmental Leadership

As a Jepson student every semester I take multiple leadership courses in which I am asked to analyze historical leaders or identify behavioral qualities of a leader in an effort to understand leadership from many perspectives.  When the topic of … Continue reading

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Full Circle

This gallery contains 16 photos.

It is overwhelming and somewhat incredulous to think that if I was asked what a watershed was one year ago, I would not have an answer. I wouldn’t be aware Little Westham Creek flows into campus and empties into our … Continue reading

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Final Synthesis

“Knowledge, Power, Passion”  “Knowledge, Power, Passion” -It was a chant that I performed before every Geography of the James quiz, hoping it would bring me luck from the environmentalist gods. Other than its use for pre-quiz rituals, “Knowledge, Power, Passion” … Continue reading

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Nature as a Teacher

As we are approaching the end of the year in Earth Lodge, I’ve been reflecting on the many things we’ve learned from the class.  I learned so much about the city of Richmond, the James River, the entire James River … Continue reading

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