Category Archives: Reflection Spot

Students returned to the same site over the course of the semester for repeated reflection.

A Final Reflection

On this warm afternoon, I traveled again to my familiar spot in the gazebo.  Looking across the lake I notice many more people enjoying the pleasant weather than I saw the last time I wrote a reflection post.  A couple … Continue reading

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Reflection 3

Judging from my congestion, the mild sunburn, and the abundant bug life that is flying around, I would say spring has finally revealed itself. For the first time since coming to this reflection spot, I can sit comfortably in shorts … Continue reading

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Reflections on the Present and Future

Ever since my acceptance to my study abroad program in Atenas, Costa Rica, I’ve looked at this campus differently. At the ridiculously and unnecessarily lengthy study abroad orientation session I attended, I was warned about culture shock and given advice … Continue reading

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A Glimpse of Spring

The last time I sat here it was cold, and desolate and eerily void of natures beauty.  In my last reflection I was caught off guard by the lack of connection to nature that sitting by the lake brought.  The … Continue reading

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Reflection 3

I feel like a fool.  Looking back at my previous post, I remembered talking about how much I could sense that spring was coming, only for there to be a freak blizzard the day afterwards.  I think (perhaps I should … Continue reading

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Spring yet?

Unfortunately, the recent weather has not reminded me of the picturesque “Richmond Spring” that I remember from last year. I remember my first spring here. It was filled with bright green and every color flower. Instead, the weather has mostly … Continue reading

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Looking at the Road…

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch. No this is not me eating cereal this is me walking on the gravel path that leads to my reflection spot. Usually I would focus almost exclusively on the visuals of my reflection spot, I would look … Continue reading

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A Final Reflection

The walk to my reflection spot was notably different than previous times. This morning, there were barely any signs of human activities (probably due to the fact that it has been a dreary day and that it is Easter), but … Continue reading

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Clean Campus, Contaminated Creeks

Wandered over to the Little Westham Creek with Taylor. After several warm days, the earth and trees were freshly saturated with the morning’s rain. I’ve always associated rain with cleanliness – with fresh air and dust-less streets. I pushed my … Continue reading

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Reflection Spot 3: Campus Impressions

This Saturday brings us a long-awaited dose of brightness and relative warmth; rarely do I let a day like this go by without a stop at my spot on the bridge. The bricks are chilly against the bottoms of my … Continue reading

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