Category Archives: Community Based Learning

Entries from community based service learning experiences.

“Wow this cow dung is really sticky”

Although it is only February I am ready for spring to have sprung. I was especially this past week when the weather was so ridiculously warm and sunny. I spent a few hours outside on Friday, cleaning up the outside … Continue reading

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My City

Okay, I have a confession to make: I didn’t volunteer at any point within the last two weeks.  I certainly had every intention to, but chose to stay home and sleep the first weekend and ended up sick in bed the … Continue reading

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When I was young, I played with bubble wrap

I’ve always considered myself a builder. Not necessarily in the carpenter sense of the word (if I’m wielding a hammer, watch out), but more so that I’d rather see the construction of things rather than their destruction. I don’t think … Continue reading

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Window into a Different Side of Richmond

Two Saturdays ago, I was fortunate enough to take what I consider the most productive study break of my college career thus far—serving the William Byrd Community Farmlett. The Farmlett serves local Richmond residents by providing gardens in which they … Continue reading

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A Joyous January Morning at the Farmlet

I was dreading waking up at 8:00 am on Saturday morning. Despite having a tame evening of reading and resting on Friday, I was still exhausted from another grueling week of practices, meetings, and work. After hitting the snooze button … Continue reading

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Weeding at the Farm

The William Byrd Farm is tucked in between the highway, Hollywood Cemetery, and the James. It was definitely not the first place I would think to put a farm. The William Byrd Farm was not a farm by any typical … Continue reading

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An incredibly lovely Saturday morning!

The sound of my alarm harassed me at 7:50am Saturday morning, and I was at best grumpy to be up that early. Nevertheless, we somehow managed to get ourselves fed and into cars to go over to the William Byrd … Continue reading

Posted in Community Based Learning | 1 Comment

This grass is from Bermuda?!

A couple of weekends ago, a group of my fellow Earth Lodger’s and I made our first visit to the William Byrd Community House (WBCH), located right off of Cary Street in Richmond. I had heard of the organization through … Continue reading

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Meeting Gaston and Delilah

This past Saturday four current Earth Lodgers, including myself, woke up nice and early to do volunteer work at William Byrd farm in downtown Richmond.  I knew the day was going to be a great day…. I drove us downtown … Continue reading

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Doggie Day

Dog shelters could quite possibly be the most saddening places one could visit. Some shelters are nicer than others, but all in all they usually consist of a whole lot of yelping dogs who have been abandoned, lost, or given … Continue reading

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