Category Archives: Community Based Learning

Entries from community based service learning experiences.

At the Byrd

This Saturday, I spent the afternoon volunteering at the Sierra Club’s Environmental Film Festival at the Byrd. I was disappointed not to see any of the films playing that day, with topics ranging from Arctic photography to veganism to nuclear … Continue reading

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Movement versus Moment

Ring! Ring! Ring! “What is that,” I groan as I struggle to open my eyes. “Hello?” I barely answer the phone in time. “GET UP!” Someone yells back at me. “Why?” I grumble back. “We are doing service at Bryan … Continue reading

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Dances with Inchworms

For my second community based learning service project, I decided to go to Pony Pasture to pick up trash. Unfortunately for my mission, fortunately for Pony Pasture, there was little trash to be found. This was not due to a … Continue reading

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Normal Pig Roast activity: Lodges Abnormal Pig Roast activity: Picking up trash at Belle Isle Early Saturday morning, Erin, Celeste, and I spent a few hours down at Belle Isle picking up trash. There were lots of reasons to be … Continue reading

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Making a Difference

Last Sunday, I went down to Belle Isle with a few of my fellow earth lodgers. It was a bit cold at first but soon the sun began o shine and the coldness faded away as we walked. CJ, Carolyn, … Continue reading

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The wondrous cicada larvae

Saturday was a day I couldn’t judge from waking up that morning. I felt like a train had hit me from a long week and was very unenthusiastic to be bending over for way too many hours picking up smelly … Continue reading

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A Bit of Both Worlds

Today was fantastic. It was one the most productive, exciting, and relaxing days I’ve had in a while. I got out of International Security class and headed straight for Pony Pastures. I made a slight detour to drop off some … Continue reading

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So Many Butts

It was a cloudy Sunday morning and the river was high from the recent rainfall as Carolyn, Hans, Mike, and I crossed over to Belle Isle. Whenever the wind blew from the direction of the city there was a foul … Continue reading

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Picking up Trash over Pig Roast, OH YES!

Doing service for class was once again a great, enjoyable experience.  These services never seem to disappoint me.  They are entertaining and I always seem to find at least one crazy creature.  Instead of spending my morning at school on … Continue reading

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Three Days on the Isle

Well, I left my community service to the last minute.  Though if given the opportunity to do this again I probably wouldn’t choose to put such an assignment off, the scrambling my carelessness bred ended up yielding a unique opportunity … Continue reading

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