Category Archives: Community Based Learning

Entries from community based service learning experiences.

Unusual Volunteering

When I usually speak about community service, the word “excitement” is not usually included. However, working on the James River with Ralph White was educational and stimulating. Before arriving, I only knew that we were going to be covering some … Continue reading

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The sweet smell of dirt

“Transforming Lives…Building Self-Sufficiency.” The William Byrd Community House’s mission statement still remains etched into my thoughts. Before arriving at our volunteer site I was under the impression we were going to be working at a regular farm, I was not aware … Continue reading

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Conner, Compost, and Contrast

This past weekend was filled with an assortment of volunteering adventures. On Friday, several of us earth lodgers got pretty rebellious. Under the direction of Ralph White, we “trespassed” and ventured, quite slowly, across the railroad next to the heron … Continue reading

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SEEDS Illuminates Wetland Restoration in Louisiana

This spring break I went on the SEEDS trip to Louisiana, staying in the bayou and New Orleans with 19 amazing fellow spiders. I was not exactly sure what would be the focus of our trip. I knew it would … Continue reading

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Spring Break Watershed

Over spring break, I and 18 other people from UR went to West Virginia to learn about coal mining and its effect on surrounding towns and the environment with a student organization called SEEDS. One of the many facets of … Continue reading

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Volunteering for Sierra Club

This afternoon, Thomas and I ventured to the Byrd Theater for a little volunteering. I wasn’t really sure what to expect – I figured my two hours would be spent sitting at a table asking passerby to sign a petition … Continue reading

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Sierra Club Volunteering

On Saturday afternoon Natalie and I went down the Byrd Theater to volunteer at the Environmental Film Festival with the Sierra Club.  We were mainly in charge of greeting people as they came into the theater and explain to them … Continue reading

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Light Pollution

There have not been very many times throughout my three semesters here at UR that I have felt homesick other than the first couple of weeks of school during my freshman year, but there are a few aspects of being … Continue reading

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Adventures at the Environmental Film Festival

This weekend, the third annual Richmond Environmental Film Festival was held down at the Byrd Theater, an event I’ve been looking forward to for a few weeks now. This was my first project as an intern at the Sierra Club, … Continue reading

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Last summer I had a job which required me to drive around Virginia Beach restaurants picking up trash cans full of rotting oysters.  I cannot even begin to describe the smell!!!  It was certainly a humbling experience.  It had a … Continue reading

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