Similar Differences

Black as an infinite slab of obsidian is the phrase I used to describe my view from my reflection point. I feel that then I was describing the infinite possibilities with which the world before me could exist and yet also I was describing my profound lack of knowledge of what I was looking at. This most recent venture was far different from the previous.

I saw color.

The profound and infinite blackness that had once been before me was now beginning to twinkle with spots of color. This change was not so much unexpected as met with joy. Color meant understanding, it meant I could see the change from one moment in time to another and yet still connect them via the same space.

The sounds were different too. Where soft rain and lapping of the lake had held my ear formerly, it was now met with a brand new orchestra of sound. Leaves crunched under peoples feet and wind dragged them across the ground, scritching the whole way before they were whisked away into the air. The previously harsh footsteps that had cracked and scuffed the brick and asphalt pathways was deadened by the layers of pine needles littering every square inch.

While color and sound make me the most excited, they do not compare with a different sense of comfort. Color, in this case, is more an expression of growth and visual change in both myself and the environment around. Sound, on the other hand, is a greater reflection of the changes in society as a whole, it reveals the transition from loud to quiet that comes with the seasonal changes. Temperature is a higher sense of comfort though. Lower and lower temperatures cause more change that anything else. As you get colder, you get calmer, you take time to think, you calculate and don’t let the moments slip away (mainly because if you stayed out in the cold much longer you might freeze but that’s a different thing all together).

This transnational period, FALLing from warm to cold, is a period of the year I quite enjoy. I love to see change in action but the most important point is yet to come. The finish.

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One Response to Similar Differences

  1. TRL says:

    The set-up in the first paragraph to the “I saw color” payoff was well-constructed. The color and sound analogy fit well with a reflection spot theme. Nice essay. Due 10/21.

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