Reflection 2

The last time I was here it was clearly Winter. The lake was frozen, snow as still on the ground, and the trees were still barren. Now the lake has thawed, the snow is gone, and…well the trees are still barren although there are some buds in some of the plants.

Its been longer than a month since my last trip here and I’m not sure if it feels like it. With classes, extracurriculars, and just life, so much has gone on. And with the constant flow of my daily life, I found myself hoping spring comes just a little sooner. It’s sad looking out the window and just seeing dead trees. While it’s true that the leaves being gone lets you see through the trees and see more, I miss the green the life that the leaves brought. I miss the warm days and the slack lines and hammock. I miss going to Pony Pasture and being able to swim in the water.

The winter was nice though its snow was fun and its cold made me appreciate the indoors, but I’m ready to appreciate the outdoors. And then comes this forecast of snow. That and the fact that I’m going back north for spring break.  For us students spring is a relief to a long semester pent up. It is relief from being stuck inside a lab or classroom. It signifies the ending of tests and homework.

But I find myself a little bothered by my thoughts. Instead of pining for spring, wouldn’t it make more sense to enjoy whats left of winter. Shouldn’t I enjoy seeing through the trees and finding birds’ nests?  Enjoy stepping on crisp leaves and enjoying the fresh clean air, devoid of pollen.  I guess I’ll enjoy watching winter leave as I watch spring come.

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