Reflection #2

My reflection spot was much desired today after this week’s particularly hectic Monday and Tuesday.  I’m not even going to go there.  Stress.  We all have it.  Yeah.

It warmed up a little bit this afternoon, pushing 50 degrees, which was nice.  I’m not shivering uncontrollably which is a very new feeling.  I can somewhat relax and be outside without a parka.  The Canada geese are even swimming around the lake rather energetically.  In general, the birds are less angry.  🙂

Too bad they’re in for a rude awakening…SNOW? Really…..(Okay I won’t go there either.)  Virginia Weather.  lol I said it.

I’m really excited for this week to be over.  Being home is just a very pleasant experience for me, especially when it feels like a reward.  At home, I reflect often.  We live on a big river, and I’m pretending that I’m there right now.

Looking at the heron nests last Wednesday on the James reminded me of home. At my house, we have an osprey nest that has been inhabited for over 20 years.  It rests on a tall pylon sticking out of the shallow river water behind my house.  In the summer, there are usually one or two baby osprey in the nest.  People kayak by and the mother tries to kill them.  Other than that, watching the osprey swoop around with twigs, straw, and fish to feed their young is very serene.

I’m really looking forward to Spring Break, and spring as a seasonal change.  This winter has been so long.  I may go into hibernation.




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