The Frozen Lake

On Friday when I saw it was snowing I decided to walk around the lake on my way back to my dorm.  When I got to the opposite side of the lake from Lakeview I decided to sit on a bench that is located right on the edge of the lake off on the path.  This is a place on campus that I have sat a lot over the last year and a half but I had never sat by the lake in the winter, much less when it was snowing.  I noticed how quiet the lake was that day.  The surface was beginning to freeze over in parts and the ducks and geese were nowhere to be found when looking at the lake.  After a while I noticed a group of 4 or 5 ducks huddled up under some bushes sleeping or trying to stay warm and dry.  I also noticed that the trees were finally completely bare.  I noticed that in the fall many trees changed colors but not of the leaves would actually fall off.


Everything I could see began to accumulate a layer of snow and the number of people I could see walking around campus began to decrease.  I decided to finish my walk around the lake and when I reached the gazebo I noticed that someone had pushed a chair out onto the middle of the frozen surface of the lake.  I honestly found this extremely funny, it seems that even in extremely cold weather when it seems like no one is out and about, students still find ways to make the lake a central part of campus and student life.

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