My Reflection Spot

(As I read through everyone’s blog post, I get more and more self-conscious about my writing skills. I would like to apologize beforehand for my 5th grade writing skills, I am working very hard to improve my writing. If you would like to file a complaint about my horrible writing skills, send me an email and I’ll forward it to my high school English teacher. )

Today was a beautiful day, I was delighted to have the chance to get out class early and finish my assignment to find a reflection spot. I sat down at a quiet place in the commons and thought for a long time where the best place would be. I realized that there are many places on campus that would be very good choices, such as the Greek Theater, Gambles Mill Trail or the Gazebo. However, I decided to go with the trail that leads from the bottom of the stairs of the dining hall to the Gazebo. I have had many memories on this trail. For my biology class sophomore year, I walked into the lake and collected samples for my experiment. I also walk on this trail to go back to my room when I’m very stressed. Sometimes on a warm and sunny day like today, I would sit and chill on the bench in the middle of the trail and just watch the geese swim by.

I took a more detailed look at the trail today and discovered many new things. There are a lot of garbages at the side of the lake. When I first did my experiment in my biology class, we compared the germ level of the river to many highly polluted rivers in the United States. There were many use bottles and plastic bag and even dead animals in the river. However, now the situation got a lot better. The side of the lake no longer has any visible used bottles or trash bags in it anymore and the water seemed a lot less polluted than before. It made my day knowing that people are starting to treat the lake well.

The bench in the middle of the trail was always my spot to go to when I’m stressed during finals or just wanted a break from everything. It allows me to view the entire lake and look at the library from afar. Some say the emergency blue light next to the bench kind of ruins the scene; But I think the light adds a mysterious layer of blue over the lake and the surroundings when I come during night time.

My trail visit was a much needed break. I think I will visit this trail more often this semester and I can’t wait to write more about it!

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