Three Trees

Let me just get this fact out there, I don’t drink water. I believe water has a disgusting taste and therefore ever since I was able to make my own decisions, 7th grade, I have been anti-water.  Only recently as I prepare for my journeys abroad have I forced myself to drink the vile substance in small increments. Ironically, I am also fascinated with water. Whenever I have been stressed, frustrated, or even extremely joyous finding water is like finding my center. The bubbling of creeks and rushing of waterfalls flows through my mind, body and soul completely silencing all thoughts and washes me into a calm zen.

For privacy reasons I will not share my reflection spot in full detail however obviously water is a huge presence. It gurgles against the rocks, creating miniature whirlpools here and there. Three trees sprout from one trunk and then twist back together providing the perfect seat amongst the forest and its creatures. The only sign of humanity is a small beaten path that twists off to the right about 10 feet away. Small birds dart around close by, in and out of their nests. Squirrels are the funniest creatures to watch, as they bounce and twist and leap and stare quizzically, constantly cautious and wary. On this particular visit stress was my burden and I let the water carry it away over the horizon as the sun sank in splendor, first orange then red and finally purple clouds splashed across the sky.

Second semester I made time to come here everyday but more recently we have grown apart. Today’s adventures surprised me with an empty beer can nestled in a bush nearby suggesting the presence of another human. Hopefully it was a one-time visit and we shall never encounter each other again. My spot holds my secrets and my memories and I do not want others to stain its perfection. So if you happen to wander down this path and see three trees forming the most comfortable seat in the woods… appreciate what this site means to me and walk away.

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