working hard, or hardly working?

Hellooo digital world of the Geography of the James blog!

Natalie here; it is high time this little blog was brought back to some life, almost two years later. It’s gonna be great – we’ve got some good things in the works, what with summer goings-on and then another year of Earth Lodge coming up. Huzzah for more people learning about the James River watershed and geography and all and learning to love it and care for it more!



This summer, I am working with the James River Park System as an intern! My role or job description is vast and varied, including things such as: environmental educator, adventure leader, river rat, protector of nature… you name it, I’ll probably cover it. I’ve been at work a couple weeks now, and the broad range of tasks we’ve done thus far is an indicator of the well-rounded nature this internship will be. I’m real keen.

As the James River is one of my favorite places in the world and I feel most at peace when on or around or beside the river, it seems too good to be true to be working there all summer. We have done so many random and fun activities and adventures thus far; half (or more of) the time it doesn’t feel like we’re working! For example, yesterday I helped out with a Summer Solstice Float event at Huguenot Flatwater… but it was exactly the kind of thing I would want to do on a Sunday anyways: canoe to an island, have a cookout, swim around in the water. Can you get more ideal of a summer opportunity?? (Probably yes, and depending on what your preferences are, for sure… But for me, this is amazing.)



Basically, much of the time at my internship so far, I’ve asked myself the question: am I working hard, or hardly working? It’s such enjoyable work (at least for the most part; trash collection, not so much – but also necessary and educational in ways) that it often doesn’t feel like a job. (I suppose maybe jobs have too much of a negative connotation as being something that you have to do, you’re stuck in, that no one likes, etc etc.) I know I’m going to enjoy this summer quite a bit though.



Stay tuned for some updates/reflections on my internship this summer! Also, happy summer solstice. Cheers, mates. (And hopefully for the next post I figure out how to upload photos at a better quality…)

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