Let’s Take A Trip…

As I’m sitting here looking at a cloudless sky trying to write my post I can’t help but think, the world is big. The sky is enormous and never-ending much like our earth.  Usually I focus on something that happened or is happening, but looking out today I’ll try something new. Today I’ll take a look at what’s out there and come up with a Cross Country (mostly) Nature trip…

(just a map to look at)

Since I’m from Massachusetts, I’ll start with Maine. I’ve been to Maine in the summer and love it. Its rocky coast and deep blue water. (Not doing too good not looking at past)  Next I’d drive west into New Hampshire and take the Kancamagus down the state. The Kancamagus is a scenic byway that follows rivers and streams down mountains. Following I’d go to Newport Rhode Island. A moderate sized City in Rhode Island, Newport has a rich history and a beautiful shore.

On the next leg of my trek, I’d continue to another city built on the shore. I’d go to New York City, take a ferry around and visit Central park. From there I’d go to Pennsylvania and watch as the flat farmland gave way to mountains and follow them down the coast through Virginia and the Carolinas straight through Georgia and end up in Florida. I’ll maybe visit Disney and Miami, but I definitely want to see the everglades and see how big it really is.

Heading off to the next coast sounds like a good idea. Going by the mouth of the Mississippi would be really cool, A key point to hit would be Houston Texas where there is a place you can skydive and see the curvature of the Earth. I would then go to the sky islands in Arizona. Plateaus so high that they climate and ecology is vastly different then the desert below. Working my way through I’d end up in the bottom of California.

I’d follow the coast up, ending up in places like San Francisco, Yosemite and Sequoia National Park. It would be amazing seeing the diversity in nature California. I’d visit Oregon and look at some of the only old-growth forests left in the US. I’d go up to Washington and then start a trek back east stopping by Yellowstone, going to the Great Lakes, travel through upstate new York and then I’d end up back home in my backyard.

Even just thinking about all the places I could go, I realize there is so much I still have yet to even learn about, never mind visit. I know far less about all the things that lie in the south and the mid-west. Isn’t it amazing at how much I still have left to do after my fictional future road trip. Just goes to show how big the world really is.

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