The Gazebo

Since I was little, I have always loved being around the water.  One of my favorite places growing up was a local park that had this beautiful lake with multiple gazebos overlooking it.  I would enjoy sitting and reading a book or watching the water, the animals in the lake, and the people walking around it.  It was such a peaceful and calming activity.  Once I started looking at colleges, I was immediately attracted to Richmond’s campus because of the existence of the gazebo and the Westhampton lake.

I have had so many memories in the gazebo.  I’ve had many late night talks there with amazing friends that have helped me understand more about myself, my friends, and the world, as we sat in the freezing cold.  The gazebo is the first place I ever saw a shooting star and it was a surreal experience.  During the summer when I was working on campus, I would have time between shifts to take my journal out to the gazebo and write about anything that came to mind.  The gazebo has also been a place to take a breath and relax during my infrequent runs around the lake in the fall and spring. It has also been a place where the other Earth Lodgers  and I connected as we reflected on the beauties of nature together.

Although I know this is a popular place to gather thoughts and reflect, I feel like I have a special connection with the gazebo because of all the times I have already spent there in reflection.  Each time I come into the gazebo and look out at the lake and the campus, I think about how I’ve grown as a person since I visited it last.  It is amazing how much the lake changes as well.  In the spring, baby ducks start to appear, the yellow haze of pollen covers the lake, and everything is green.  In the summer,  I notice the smell of the lake, the heat, and the presence of the ducks, geese, and insects.  In the fall, the foliage of the trees surrounding the lake is breathtaking.  And now, in the winter, the lake is partly frozen over, patches of snow are still on the ground, and there’s a chill in the air.

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