Boots Worth Their Weight…

As I stand at my reflection spot, I find myself grateful that I wore my boots today. My reflection spot is a bit messy, sort of marsh like. But my boots can handle anything and I do not mind sinking down a few inches in the mud.

I look around at my lush surroundings. The Virginia foliage is different that where I am from. It seems to have more energy at rest, and it is also a bit denser and greener. The science half of my head tells me this is because it is warmer down here and that means there is a longer growing season for plant life. The other half of my head decides it is time for me to clear my mind and just absorb my surroundings.

It is always difficult for me to just relax. I always have a million things on my mind and a to do list about a mile long. I even hate sitting down for extended periods of time. I am a restless soul. My spot reflects this; because it is so boggy, it is not a place where I want to sit. The way I see it, my hunter-gatherer ancestors rarely sat on the hunt, or at all for that matter. Why should I feel the need to sit down in order to relax.

With that thought I finally start to let go of all of my worldly concerns.
I feel the warmth of the sun on my face.
I taste the fresh air.
I hear to the sound of the birds.
I see the lush green grasses fed by the stream.
I smell subtle earthy undertones.

I picked well. I picked a place that engages all of my senses. I think I will come back soon – of course, only on a day that I am wearing my boots.

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