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Spain, Tourism, and the Economic Impact of Secession

The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of the economic impacts of the proposed Catalonia secession from the state of Spain. This study concludes with a proposal to create an unbiased economic committee to aid in the discussion of secession and to outline the most successful way for Catalonia to become an independent state. The committee would be composed of global economists, Spanish governmental leaders, Catalonian governmental leaders, and representatives from the EU. In order to be successful the committee will hear from a variety of interest groups and will determine the best way to move forward after taking into consideration multiple viewpoints.

            This analysis focuses on the impacts of secession on the Spanish economy, and in order to best understand the results, it primarily studies the tourism sector of the economy. The analysis begins by generating a general understanding of Spain and Catalonia’s history in order to better understand why the secession is being called for. Next, it will focus on three specific sites critical to Catalonia’s tourism: La Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, and the area of Costa Brava. In comparison, the analysis will also look at Palacio Real in Madrid. By studying these four major tourist attractions, the study hopes to distinguish the true economic impacts of Catalonia on the larger Spanish economy.


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