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Microfinance in Papua New Guinea

In this development report I will propose a microfinance development project in Papua New Guinea to be funded by Finley-Brook Bank. The development report will consist of the following: A section aiming to demonstrate the need for such a project in Papua New Guinea, a section aiming to highlight the benefits of microfinance, and a section aiming to specify what such a project would look like in Papua New Guinea. The development report will draw on both qualitative and quantitative analysis in order to accurately capture the development status of Papua New Guinea, as well as address the merit of a microfinance program in Papua New Guinea. Scholarly resources will be used in conjunction with evidence of other successful microfinance endeavors throughout the south pacific region in order to adequately assess the project. Ultimately, the report will highlight the economic and social welfare that is likely to result in Papua New Guinea as a result of a well-executed microfinance project, as well as the financial sustainability and potential profitability of such a project for Finley-Brook Bank. Taken together, a microfinance project in Papua New Guinea would be both socially beneficial and financially lucrative. The report will conclude by suggesting that Finley-Brook Bank move ahead with the project.


Click Here to take a look at my storymap, which details the way that microfinance has been able to aid other South Pacific Islands.