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Child Stunting in Indonesia StoryMap

The study aims to gain a deeper understanding to the issue of childhood stunting in Indonesia. Stunting affects 37.2% of the child population, under five years of age, in Indonesia. This manner of malnutrition produces life long and often irreversible effects that are self-perpetuating and influence both the development of the individual and of the country. The data shows a correlation between socioeconomic factors, aside from poverty, that influence an individual’s ability to gain proper nutrition. The report summarizes different recommendations that can be taken, but focuses on emphasising breastfeeding and nutrition education to parents and adolescent girls. To start marketing consultants will be flown to Indonesia to meet with the staff members of the World Food Program based in Indonesia to strategize advertising methods. Additionally, the staff members will work with local hospitals to raise awareness of breastfeeding and encourage doctors to relay the information to parents. Moreover, this awareness will be brought into schools. The agency will have to work together with the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Religious Affairs to try and work the information into the health curriculum. Hopefully, through these actions, childhood stunting in Indonesia can decrease.


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