My world story with music

I have always been passionate about music. Any kind. Any time. When I was living in France, I started taking flute lessons when I was 7. I would sing my favorite band’s songs in the shower, to the great despair of my brother. I even created a flute trio with two other friends, and got the permission of the mayor’s office to perform at the French open-door “marché.” Music has not only played an important role in the bonds that I have established with other people, but it has also shaped my identity as a concerned citizen about the world.

When I created the music organization “No Border Records” with people from around the world who were participating in the same online class as I was, it was with the intention of bringing peace to the world and allow people to erase misunderstanding through music. I still have that dream today, and hope to contribute to the movement of “music for change” to help attenuate those misunderstandings.

My appreciation for music from different cultures around the world is part of achieving my dream. The first step for me is to completely immerse myself in the language of music from different cultures. Bonus, I get to listen to some really cool music! Then, with this knowledge, I hope to become an active participant in the “music for social justice” movement, and alleviate the woes of today’s world.

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