Mike Walheim’s StoryMap

This will take you on a tour of various areas around the world that have had an impact on my life. An aspect of my life that I feel has had a large impact on my personality and the type of citizen I am is my interest and participation in sports. My first friends and many of my greatest memories of my childhood are products of playing sports. Athletics have the uncommon ability to bring together people from different towns, countries or continents. Sports provide an environment that is untarnished by political disputes and social status, in which exercise, competiveness, and passion flourish which is something that people from across the world can appreciate and create bonds over. Some of the best friendships that I still cherish were created over a common love in a sport. In my case, basketball, lacrosse, soccer and track and field were the sports that left the most lasting impact on my life. As demonstrated by international competitions such as the World Basketball Championships, the World Lacrosse Championships, the FIFA World Cup, and the Olympics, all four of these sports are either extremely popular in numerous countries around the world or are increasing in popularity rapidly. Each of these events allow dozens of different countries to come together to compete in friendly games, and bond over the love of sports.

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