• This was a nice presentation. It needs less text and more graphic representations of your arguments. It would have made it much more interesting. For example, there is a new television show called “Good Girls,” and it touches on much of what we have discussed in class. You might have lifted a scene or two out of that show, or just a photo. I found an excellent graphic of co-occurring conditions that also would have fit in perfectly with your presentation. Content is always tricky in PowerPoint, but if you go with text and text only, perhaps choose a more arresting design. I want us to think harder about solutions. I’m not sure training and intake processes would put a dent in this problem. Maybe we should think about what we do at the elementary and secondary school levels?

  • Anna Marston

    I really liked how you connected McCorkel’s work from “Breaking Women” to the topic of your research. Awesome job!

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