• Caroline Schiavo

    I found the 10 reasons to dismantle the prison industrial complex using a queer/trans analysis extremely persuasive. I found Lamble’s 6th argument about the prison hierarchy of power extremely relevant and ties into the learnings throughout our course. “Prisons reinforce dominant relations of power, especially racism, classism, ableism, and colonial oppression”, it states, shows the parallels between American society and earlier European beliefs. Also, I found argument nine especially true prisons do not make communities safer. They fail to protect those who are violated based on their gender. They do not discourage re-offending where prison expansion often makes the case worse. And furthermore as Elizabeth mentions the parallels to Breaking Women, where rehabilitation programs that rely on the individual tend to fail. While addressing these issues, within our societies is already to hard. What makes us think that the prison systems can actually address them, if normal society can’t?

  • Excellent. Yes. The BIG IDEA in this book is that the carceral state is the repository of all things unjust, cruel, corrupt, and exploitative.

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