Writing is a major focus of this course with a significant number of assignments that build upon pre-writing, drafts, and revisions of finished writing. All writing turned in for evaluation is subject to the rules of the Honor Code. Please pay attention to proper forms of citation and always acknowledge your sources.
- Informal (low-stakes) writing: This includes five, 500-word response papers (RP) assigned throughout the semester, in-class writing such as explications, and other writing to learn exercises. Late assignments will not be accepted. Together, they count for 15% of your course grade.
- Formal (high-stakes) writing : This consists of one expository essay on class reading, and a research paper. Your two papers be reviewed in stages and then turned along with all marked-up drafts for a final grade. Every student is required to meet individually with me and the writing consultant to go over the drafts of your work. Please pay attention to deadlines. You will incur one letter grade penalty for each day beyond the due date.
Essay I is an argument-driven, textual exposition of Utopia in response to a essay prompt circulated a week in advance. This essay will require that you draw on additional class reading to put the text into context. You will turn in a completed page draft, meet with a Writing Consultant for a conference on the draft, and submit a revised paper (with the original draft) for a final grade. Essay I (1400-1600 words) is worth 20% of your final grade.
Seminar paper: is a synthesis of several sources on a topic related to a specific utopian community. This paper will be written in stages beginning with a proposal and annotated bibliography, a first draft and a final draft that is due on the day of your scheduled final exam. The seminar paper (2500 words) and the staged assignments that accompany it (see research in this course) will account for 40% of your final grade.