- A=Outstanding work. Highly sophisticated thinking, polished, nuanced, exhaustive research. (90-100%)
- B=Very good work. Meets the objectives, thoughtful, thoroughly researched and error-free. (80-89%)
- C=Average work. Meets only a few objectives, weak thinking, narrowly done, careless typos. (70-79%)
- D=Poor work. Falls short of objectives, lacks coherence, filled with errors. (65-69%)
- F=Incomplete work. (0-64%)
I will provide rubrics for your assignments with specific elements that I look for in evaluating your work. Scores for these assignments do not always correspond with a 100-percent scale below and may be curved. All letter grades are posted on BlackBoard site. Late work will be penalized one letter grade for each day it is late.
The final grade for this course will be calculated on the grades from the following assignments weighted accordingly.
- Oral Communication = 15%
- Informal Writing = 15%
- Essay 1 = 20%
- Research e-Portfolio = 10%
- Seminar Paper and staged assignments = 40%