Regular attendance to all class meetings Mondays and Wednesdays is expected. If you must miss a class, please let me know as soon as possible. More than TWO unexcused absences will affect your final grade. In addition to these you are expected to attend:
- Individual conference appointments. You are expected to meet with Yasmine Karam, our designated Writing Consultant, to go over drafts of your essays. These conferences are required. Any skipped appointment will result in a one letter-grade penalty for the assigned essay. Your final version of your written assignment will be turned in to me along with her comments. I will be looking at your revisions in light of these comments as part of the final grade.
- THREE CBL excursions. 1) MLK Day walking tour of historic Jackson Ward on Monday, Jan 18 from 11 am to 2 pm; 2) Richmond Hill, Friday Feb 12 from 9 am to 11:45 am; and 3) a “Build It” excursion in late March or early April that focuses on the Highland Park area of Richmond, an area that is the focus of the city government’s “neighborhoods in bloom” revitalization. Stay tuned for details!