When I came to the conclusion that the editors of The Harbinger decided to limit mentioning the community of Brook Farm to only six times so they could focus on issues that catered to the outside public, it immediately grabbed my attention. The other utopian communities that I have studied have proved to be private and reserved, not wanting much contact with the outside. They established their communities so they could be separate from the problems of the world and solve them on their own. The editors of Brook Farm wanted society outside of the community to be interested and invested in their ideas, therefore they kept the topics more relevant to a larger audience. I interpreted this as an extremely progressive move, and it helped shape my thesis, because it was a serious choice made by the editors that could not go ignored. It guided me realize that The Harbinger was really something that the world of journalism has never seen before, and as a result, I interpreted the articles in a different way. I was more attentive to the modern news columns that The Harbinger printed, reading into their importance because they talked about aspects of society that did not directly relate to Associationism.The paper also talked a great deal about the Associationist movement, and I was more sensitive to the manner in which the ideas were presented, because it was meant for those who weren’t necessarily living in an Associationist community.
How does what I’ve learned about social utopias past and present influence my interpretation of the sources in my seminar paper?
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