One of the biggest issues I had at the beginning of this semester was the idea of utopia. Fundamentally, I, personally, don’t think it is possible, viable, or reasonable. So as I have researched and discusses the Icarians, my stance on the idea of utopia stays the same: it is a noble ambition but impractical. The Icarians and the research I present in my paper shows that the attempt for utopia is founded in a conscientious effort to improve society but there is no reasonable end game. The idea gets off the ground but falls flat eventually due to the common fallacies of man: greed, anger, and pride.
Nonetheless, More’s Utopia plays a role in the development of utopian communities – especially the Icarian community. Since Cabet was largely inspired by More, Utopia acts as a blueprint for a major of the founding principles of Voyage en Icarie and other writings. I am working on incorporating More and his ideologies into the early development of Cabet’s set of ideals and what implications it had on the community.