What do I find interesting or curious about this group of people? What more do I need to know to situate this community in the problem or concept of utopia?
The Owen and his new world.
From the reading about Robert Owen and his new Harmony, It is really interesting to see some of his successful or even provocative ideas toward to the education and management ways. When Owen was running for the factory in British, he realized that early education toward to the infants to 6 years old kids would be really important for their future development. Thus, He decided to provide the early education institutions that working class parents could only pay the little bit of money to give their kids to the institution. The infants school also contributes Owen’s idea of replacing negative family influence with a positive environment for instilling desired value and fashioning superior value. ( Pitzer 94). His idea of education also showed up in his future school designing: He wanted textbook using sparingly and his students learned everything by doing. His idea is much more advance comparing with his peer in that ages. I think why Owen was so concentrating on education because he believed that the old world thinking can not fit the new Utopia world’s philosophy. The only way to change people’s mind is to develop a new generation that has the new idea and thinking for the new world–It is probably the reason why he wanted negative family affections out of early education. Though his idea is great and comparing with the idea of other utopias thinkers, Owen’s education is easier and more reachable, the only issue is that he did not have enough time for his new harmony to develop the new generation.