What if Biggie were still in the game?






15 years to the day since Notorious BIG was killed (and apropos of my post last night), this is the question Nesnga Burton asks in today’s The Root.  I think it’s a question lots of hip hop fans have asked at some point–and the same could certainly be extended to 2Pac.  The two MCs had very different styles, but their impact on the genre was profound.

So this article certainly asks an important and timely question, but I don’t think Burton’s answers make much sense.  She says that if Biggie were around, rappers wouldn’t get away with using Auto-Tune or making the same song over and over.  I’m not sure how you’d support an argument like that, but it’s unlikely that Biggie alone would’ve single-handedly saved rap from redundancy or technological experimentation done badly.  She goes on to assert that “Today’s rappers could learn a lot from Biggie, like increasing their vocabulary, painting pictures through words, [and] having complex lyrics that actually make sense…”  OK, now I am wondering if the author is actually a fan of rap music.  Rappers like Nas, Andre 3000, Mos Def, Talib Kweli, and Eminem could teach courses on word play.  I’m not sure what “painting pictures through words” is supposed to mean, but I am pretty sure most (all?) rappers do that.

And the last bit I will comment on is this piece of speculation:  “I don’t know if Jay-Z would be the reigning King of Hip-Hop…”  I know this has become the new orthodoxy, but Jay-Z is not the reigning king of hip hop.  No disrespect intendedI loved Decoded–but I can think of more innovative and/or influential rappers.  See my list in the previous paragraph for examples.

2 thoughts on “What if Biggie were still in the game?”

  1. I really agree with your thoughts here. It feels like the Hip Hop community has made Biggie into a martyr or modern day messiah. I have heard this argument to many times, while I definitely don’t think that he would have single handedly saved Hip Hop I do think that the trend would have followed a different path.

    Now as far as Jay-Z being the reigning king of Hip Hop, I think this title was given for the wrong reasons. I as you do, don’t think I would place him at the top. However it is impossible for me to say that he is at many times awe inspiring in his lyrical prowess.

    I can also assure you that if any of those rappers you mention in the second paragraph taught a class on word play I would find a way to be there, I don’t care if it was at Gingrich’s moon base. Those guys listed really are some of the best, just seeing some of those names makes me long for me old Soundbombing tapes…. those need to be replaced.

  2. I think that Biggie has commonly been martyred and turned into a Hip Hop messiah. I don’t think he could have single handedly saved Hip Hop, however I do feel like its trend would have followed a different path.

    If any of those rappers mentioned in the second paragraph held a class on word play I would have to be there, I don’t care if it was at Gingrich’s moon base. Just seeing some of those names make me miss my soundbombing tapes… those need to be replaced

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