
From Bangkok to Chiang Rai

It has been a busy few days for the Encompass SE Asia group. We have had a lot of interesting experiences and it is a challenge to try to communicate them all. On our last day in Bangkok, we had the pleasure of meeting with Malina and Steph of A21 to learn about their anti-trafficking work. On to the airport to fly to Chiang Rai.  A dramatic contrast to the hustle and bustle of big city Bangkok, Chiang Rai is located in the far north of Thailand among lush green mountains. We explored the Night Bazaar located in the city center.

The next morning, we went to the Mae Fah Luang Arts and Cultural Park. In addition to the beautiful botanical garden, the group sat under a covered area and enjoyed a nice breeze while we watched the birds fly in and out of the Lilly pad covered lake.  Then walking through the Teak Museum was an interesting walk back through Thai history.

Next up, off to the market to meet our friends Aor and Au. After a bit of time picking out the freshest ingredients for a cooking lesson at their house. We learned about some new ingredie3nts and learned the Thai names for produce we already knew.

Over to Aor and Au’s home, we were welcomed as family.  We started in cutting veggies and preparing other ingredients for the various dishes.

Chris is using the traditional mortar and pestle to mix ingredients.

Our gracious host Aor showing us seasonings.

The best thing about cooking class is that you get to eat the whole time.

Matt tries his hand at chopping veggies.

Eljoy is mixing ingredients into the Minced Pork dish.

Charlotte uses a rolling pin to crush and prepare lemongrass.

Kelli chopping mushrooms for our coconut milk soup.

The whole crew is pitching in, chopping herbs and chicken.

After the stunning meal, we heading over to the temple, pagoda and the statue of the goddess on top of a nearby mountain.

Inside the Pagoda are 9 floored with amazing statues of the Buddha as well as stunning views of the mountains of Chiang Rai.

Inside the ornate temple on the grounds. Behind the temple, the head monk has established a school and shelter for orphans.

Au and Chance explored the temple.

The goddess is a stunning and powerful image looking out over Chiang Rai.