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Week 5

I really enjoyed watching Mrs. Wickett’s teaching style. I think she is a very good teacher and I can see myself using her practices in my own classroom. For example, I like how she introduced the word sort to her students at the beginning of class and asked them to sort the ones they knew and did not know. It was awesome to see her bring the sort back out at the end of the lesson so the students can see all they have accomplished in a class and what new knowledge they have learned. I also like how she used a variety of sources to pull the lesson together such as using a PowerPoint with pictures, a read aloud and an independent reading. Having all of these sources makes the lesson so much more powerful and helps students solidify understanding. Students will learn and understand the content so much better this way opposed to just reading from a textbook.

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  1. This is a good start, but can you connect this to the reading? Can you say more? Can you ask questions? What do you wonder about?

  2. Lynne Bland Lynne Bland

    Abby, I am glad you were inspired by Ms. Wickett’s. She does provide a variety of activities to engage her students. I wonder if you can make connections from the video to any of the readings from class.

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