Culture Shock

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Globalization. Good? Bad? Ugly?

the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale.

As we consider the pros, cons, and consequences of globalization below Simon Anholt speaks about countries that are not only considering their international impact on the world but also managing to build their own economies in the process.

While we consider things that we value changing as a result of globalization like our home country’s culture being diluted, country’s losing its uniqueness, language, or the world becoming more and more identical. Globalization does have its benefits as diversity inspires innovation and innovation could lead to economic growth. However, as Anholt references, large economies and cash cows does not make a country good or globalization. Rather, what are you doing for the world at large rather than yourselves?

After exploring the concept of globalization based upon your own experiences we’ve found that different circumstances could be positive, negative, or debatable.

With this idea and theory in mind, with it comes open lines of communication to conduct business, as well as a risk of interdependence. Potential for open borders, along with the risk of an increase in crime rate from foreigners outside of their home country. For every positive action you could very well find an opposite negative.

For more information exploring the concept of globalization and how countries rank in how they help the world internationally and their home country, use the good country index and the following link.